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Government appoints Local Government Administrators for suspended Councils

Minister of Local Government has appointed the Local Government Administrators for Lusaka and Kitwe City Councils following the formal suspension of the two Councils to pave way for investigations into alleged illegal land administration.
Speaking at a Media briefing in Lusaka, Dr. Charles Banda said the Local Government Administrators will carry out the functions of the two Councils for a period of 90 days, which will include but not limited to policy and decision making and investigations into alleged illegal land allocation.
Dr. Banda stated that the appointment of the Local Government Administrators has been done through the issuance of Statutory Instrument Number 66 of 2020 and SI Number 67 of 2020 respectively.
“I want to now inform the nation that pursuant to Sections 56 (1) (a) and (b) of the Local Government Act no. 2 of 2019, the two councils have formally been suspended and the Local Government Administrators have been appointed through the issuance of Statutory No. 66 of 2020 The Local Government (Appointed of Local Government Administrators) order, 2020 (Lusaka City Council) and Statutory Instrument No. 67 of 2030 The Local Government (Appointment of Local Government Administration) order, 2020 (Kitwe City Council) to pave way for investigations.”
“The suspension and appointment of the Local Government Administrators for Lusaka and Kitwe Councils were published in the Government Gazette dated 31st July, 2020,” Dr. Banda said.
He added that the two local authorities were supposed to lead by example not only by conduct of Councilors but in service delivery and adherence to laid down procedure on land administration.
“I have appointed Mr. Nixon Nkwapu and Mr. Adam Jere as Local Government Administrators for Lusaka and Kitwe City, respectively for a period of ninety days.”

“The Local Government Administrators for Lusaka City Council will be required to facilitate investigations into alleged illegalities and disorderly allocation of land in Lusaka district by any Council officer or Civic leader, through the Ad-hoc committee of officers from Government Ministries pursuant to Section 34 (2) read with Section 33 of the Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019 to be sanctioned by my office,” he stated.
Dr. Banda warned that government will not tolerate any misconduct from Councilors or Council officials in the service delivery process, hence the need for them to comply with the provisions of the law in running the affairs of the local authorities.
Meanwhile, Dr. Banda clarified that no position at the two local authorities has been suspended but that what has been suspended is the operations of the Councils, therefore councilors can continue carrying out their duties in their respective wards.
“There is no position that I have suspended, those Mayors are still Mayors no one has dissolved Council, they only lose positions if you dissolve. What has taken place is suspension of the Councils, transacting business at the Council, we have suspended.”
“They maintain their positions, councilors can go on with their businesses in their wards but they will not come to the council to perform functions of the Council. Council is the constitution of the Mayor or Council Chairperson and his councilors to transact Council business,” he clarified.
On Monday this week, Dr. Charles Banda announced the suspension of the Lusaka and Kitwe Councils for 3 months following concerns on illegal land administrations by the two local authorities.
[17:45, 7/31/2020] Cecilia Work: President Lungu calls for enhanced adoption of greener technologies for supply water
President Edgar Lungu says there is need to increase investment in infrastructure development and enhance adoption of greener technologies to supply water and sanitation services as a response to the effects of climate change.
Speaking during the swearing in ceremony of newly appointed Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, Dr. Jonas Chanda, and Zambia National Service Deputy Commandant Major General. Benson Miti, President Lungu stated that it is inexcusable that the country is endowed with vast water bodies and yet most people do not have access to clean drinking water.
The Head of State said government has continued to make strides in improving service delivery in the Provision of water and sanitation services.
He however stated that more requires to be done to ensure that the country’s population has access to water and sanitation so as to reach the target of universal access by the year 2030.
“It is inexcusable that in many vast areas of our country we are endowed with vast water bodies and yet our people do not have access to water. We even pride ourselves as having the most water in the region. We can only pride ourselves if we utilized this resource to the benefit of our people.”
“Therefore, there is need to increase investment in infrastructure development and enhance adoption of greener technologies such as solar to supply water and sanitation services as a response to the effects of climate change.”

President Lungu further observed that the need for improved service delivery by water utility companies has now become even more apparent amidst the coronavirus pandemic, adding that water harvesting is another critical area that the Ministry needs to urgently address.

“In the area of environmental pollution control, it is worth noting that while Zambia has witnessed unprecedented development in various economic spheres of our economy such as mining, agriculture and other industries, these well-meaning developments have a potential to harm our environment and thus compromise our sustainable development agenda and the prospects of our future generation.”

“Scaling up interventions is hence the key to addressing the offshoots of these developments.’

And President Lungu reminded the newly appointed Minister that the Ministry of water development, sanitation and environmental protection, which he is now taking charge of, plays a critical role in ensuring government’ sustainable developmental agenda.
“I want to state that the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, which you have now taken charge of, plays a critical role in propelling our sustainable development agenda. The key mandate of your Ministry is among other things, to ensure universal access to water and sanitation and improved development and management of water resources.”

“I note that you spent over 15 years working with international donor funded health organizations in Zambia, Botswana, Swaziland, Rwanda and Nigeria at the level of country representative. I therefore, expect you to utilize the skills that you gained during your tour of duty as a Medical Doctor to galvanize various efforts and support from within government and cooperating partners to build on the achievements made this far in your Ministry,” President Lungu said.

Meanwhile, newly appointed Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Dr. Jonas Chanda thanked President Edgar Lungu for giving him a rare opportunity to serve in Cabinet.
Dr. Chanda pledged to take up the challenge of ensuring universal access to water for all by the year 2030.

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