Road tax online payment system to be unveiled in the first quarter of this year.

The Road Transport and Safety Agency says plans are underway to introduce an online payment system for road tax and other required payments.

Agency Head of Public Relations Frederick Mubanga told Money FM News in an interview that the unveiling of the online road tax payment system will be implemented in the first quarter of this year.
“We will be unveiling the online payment system in the first quarter of this year which is March month end and that’s the deadline we have given ourselves,” Mr. Mubanga said.

Mr. Mubanga said once the online payment is opened, there will be no need to establish more pay points because motorists will be able to make payments in the comfort of their homes.
“If we open the online payment system, the issue of pay points will be neither here nor there because everything will be digitalized,” he stated.
Mr. Mubanga was reacting to calls by some motorists in Lusaka on the need for the Agency to establish more pay points for road tax like big supermarkets or banks so as not to subject them to stand in long queues for longer hours.

One of the motorists Joseph Mwenda observed that most motorists fail to pay their road tax on time due to the congestion that characterizes the few existing pay points.

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